G006: Definitely the Place to Be! Relax Here!

Price: $85,000.00 USD

Contact Information:

Name: Debbie or Mike Moisey

Phone: 604-445-6850

Email: [email protected]

More Information:

Development Fee: $1,500.00 USD

Sale Includes: 40ft, 1980 Comfort, Sleeps 6 Adults, Wood Shed

Other Features: Solarium 28 x 14 with Bar Area on Deck. Cemented Patio w/Fireplace. Gazebo with Woodfireplace & Propane 12 x 12. Upper deck with Fireplace & T.V. Add-a-Room Sleeps 4 adults. Add-a-Room for Living & T.V. Power, Water, Sewer, Deck, Covered Porch, Trailer Roof, Skirted.

Site Diagram & Dimensions:


60ft 67ft

45ft (front)

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